Tuesday, July 26, 2011

R - recode() data

recode() - from package lordif

library(lordif)  # maybe you have first to install the package (install.packages("lordif"))
  • creating example data
z <- sample(0:1, 25, replace=T)
original <- c(0,1)
new <- c("boy", "girl")
z:  1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
original: 0 1
new:  "boy"  "girl"
  • so z is a vector consisting of 1 and 0
  • original contains the distinct values of z
  • and new contains the values which should replace the original values in the following way: the first item of original is replaced by the first value of new, the second by the second etc pp
z <- recode(z, original, new)
 [1] "girl" "girl" "girl" "boy"  "boy"  "boy"  "girl" "girl" "girl" "girl"
[11] "boy"  "boy"  "girl" "girl" "girl" "girl" "boy"  "girl" "girl" "girl"
[21] "girl" "girl" "girl" "girl" "boy"


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